Youth Compose And Document A Track In 2 Days

At the shut of the efficiency Mr. Gibbs was called to the front. His remarks had been scarcely audible, but we understood him to express hia gratification on the efficiency and his intention to publish the work as a tribute of his attachment to our gracious Queen, her “throne and empire.” The principal defect of the composition is, we expect, the absence of dramatic or constructive ability. The several components, nevertheless excellent in themselves, don’t kind a consecutive narrative; but could be carried out in inverted order without detracting from the final impact. The choruses contain some fantastic unisonal passages, however the composer has fastidiously prevented both the one or double fugue; and even his modulations are of the most straightforward and inartistic character.

Isabella MELODIA

Altogether the performance was decidedly profitable. The “Minstrels” maintain a second entertainment this evening, with a complete change of programme, when, probably, they may obtain the intensive patronage their ability entitles them to. The Company is basically worthy of encouragement. The good folks of Deloraine may have a possibility of listening to these actually intelligent artistes on Saturday night next, and we heartily commend them to their patronage.

Youth Compose And Report A Song In 2 Days

It most not, he said, be regarded as the truth to be worshipped – to be permitted to engross the thoughts to the exclusion of upper, nobler, and more enduring purposes. The cultivation, nevertheless, of sacred music does not, and can’t, destroy the taste for music – legitimate Paul MELODIA song – nor does it in the least intervene with the province of song. The provinces of sacred music and of track are fairly distinct, and but quite harmonious. They can not pretty or justly be represented as being in opposition the one to the opposite.

He had ordered the spoons and forks to be engraved. Sir, – Since writing on the above matter last yr certain details have come to gentle which a few of your readers may confirm or in any other case. I have from Mr. Windebank, of Fitzroy, violin skilled, who was a pal of the late John Brown, violin maker, of Swanston-street,

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the predecessors of Messrs. Allan and Co. – On the 6th inst., at his late residence, Dalmeny, Heyington-road, Toorak, William Henderson Glen, the dearly beloved husband of Eliza Glen, aged sixty six years. A affected person sufferer gone to rest.

Tippitywitchet, a comedian book music, was delivered by Mr. Levey, and excited much mirth. Mr. Gee played a solo on the clarionet, in his traditional masterly method. Your informant evidently doesn’t known concerto, or air with variations, from an Overture, and the skills of performers, and the deserves of the music at a Concert, must of course in such circumstances be very ill criticised.

5. Song – “Farewell to the Mountain” – Barnet – Mr. Gale 6. Solo Violin – “Premier Concerto” – De Beriot – Mr. Wallace

the first professors of Berlin. Returning to Sydney, he re-occupied his place of organist at Christ Church for an extra term of five years.

– Application to be made at the Sydney Academy, Macquarie-street. N. B.- For Sale, Chambaud’s Dictionary, French and English, in 4 Volumes.

distinguished member of St. David’s Church, Burnside, and for the past fifteen years had been a member of the choir, lacking solely five services in that time. Mr. L. C. E. Gee, of the Mines Department, is a brother. One of those very pleasing and profitable entertainments was given within the Domain final night by the splendid band of the fiftieth (Queen’s Own) Regiment,

Saturday night time next is set apart for the joint good factor about Mr. Gee, the accomplished piano-forte accompanyist, and Mr. Eastwood, the agent to the troupe, when their merits, coupled with the fact that this is positively the last look of this admirable company, ought to ensure a crowded attendance. Mr. G. Gassner, for 28 years the popular Bandmaster of this in style Regiment, and who is well-known in Colchester, where he was for several years quartered with the Regiment, having simply resigned his appointment, was entertained at a farewell mess dinner by Colonel Leach and the Officers at Camp Polymedia, Cyprus, on June 6.

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