Algeria-Russia Space Cooperation Agreement 2023

During President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s state visit to Russia from 14–16 June 2023, Algeria and Russia signed a Government Agreement for cooperation in “space exploration and the use of outer space for peaceful purposes,” according to an ASAL press release.

This agreement governs bilateral space operations, including intellectual property protection, information sharing, export control, technological protection, and other collaborations.

This agreement covers many areas

  • such as space sciences, technologies, and applications; 
  • space communications and related services; 
  • satellite navigation and related technologies and services; 
  • space geodesy and weather; 
  • training and knowledge transfer in the space field; and
  • the international legal regulation of space activity.

At the 26th International Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg on June 16, 2023, ASAL Director General Azzedine Oussedik spoke in a plenary session on BRICS-ASAL space collaboration. The Russian Government and the Russian Space Agency “Roscosmos” hosted this event with BRICS space agency leaders and Indonesian and Malaysian delegates.

In his speech, the Director General stressed the importance of President Tebboune’s State visit in strengthening space cooperation between Algeria and Russia and the possibility of expanding this cooperation to other BRICS and BRICS+ countries due to Algeria’s good relations within this alliance.

He also noted that Algeria has signed space agreements with the Russian Federation, India, China, and South Africa. He also supported BRICS+ space collaboration and the possibility to improve Algeria’s space capabilities by using Russia, China, and India’s knowledge.

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