A patient learned the hard way why metal should not be worn during an MRI when the butt plug they were using blasted through their body.
A post on Twitter that purported to show an MRI scan of a butt plug causing “major injuries” high up in a person’s body has gone viral, undoubtedly causing many people to clench their teeth.
In the tweet by @BradiusZero, he explained why you should “Never wear a butt plug to your MRI appointment” and included a scan that appeared to show a butt plug lodged in a person’s thoracic cavity.
In addition to the image, a distinct text message stated, “Greatest personal injury case I’ve ever heard. An estimated Valley lawyer has acquired a client who is challenging a sex device manufacturer.
This customer bought a butt implant that was advertised as “100% silicone.” The client wears a butt implant for their MRI appointment.