Following is a synopsis of recent science-related news briefs.
Space startup and SpaceX collaborate to launch a commercial space station.
Vast, a startup financed by cryptocurrency billionaire Jed McCaleb, plans to launch a space station the size of a school bus into orbit by the end of 2025 with assistance from SpaceX, Elon Musk’s rocket company.
Haven-1 is the most recent platform intended to succeed the International Space Station, a two-decade-old orbital research laboratory operated primarily by the United States, Russia, and the European Space Agency.

Reprogramming the human genome better reflects the global population
Scientists unveiled a new accounting of the human genome on Wednesday that improves upon its progenitor by including a rich diversity of individuals to better reflect the global population – a boost to ongoing efforts to identify genetic causes of diseases and new treatments.
This “pangenome” accomplishment was announced twenty years after the first sequencing of the human genome, a feat that revolutionized biomedical research by providing scientists with a map for analyzing DNA for disease-related mutations.
Bioceres will expand GMO wheat sales through seed marketers.
Bioceres announced on Thursday that it will expand sales of its drought-resistant HB4 wheat seeds, which leverage the power of genetically-modified organisms (GMO), to dozens of seed companies to increase future sales of the product.
The announcement to partner with additional seed multipliers, businesses that sell seeds to farmers but do not develop new varieties themselves, signifies a step forward in the adoption of Bioceres’ proprietary HB4 wheat.